About us

Our team brings together diverse skills and perspectives, united by a shared passion for exploring the nature of reality at the intersection of science and philosophy. Our institute is enriched by an international community of collaborating scientists, philosophers, and artists, who contribute as guest authors to this platform.
Doug Watson
Doug received his PhD in Physics from Vanderbilt University, focusing on analytical and computational galaxy evolution theory. He was an NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at The University of Chicago.
Doug’s research interests lie at the intersection of early universe cosmology and metaphysical systems. He seeks to enhance the field of cosmology through collaboration with other branches of knowledge as they bear on the formation and teleology of the universe, such as the Samkhya school of philosophy.
Doug and his wife also own and operate "Snoot Farms" - a 7 acre farm sanctuary outside of Gainesville, FL.
Tiziano Valentinuzzi
Tiziano received his PhD in Astronomy at the University of Padua (Italy), focusing on dark matter halos of elliptical galaxies, the WINGS project catalog of nearby galaxy clusters and studies on the comparison between local high-z superdense massive galaxies.
Tiziano’s research interests are mainly concentrated in the relation between the vedic tradition of Bhakti Yoga and the understanding of experience and knowledge as suggested by modern sciences.
His research concentrates mainly on two branches: unraveling the essential message contained in the Vedas as a whole, especially the Vaishnava Bhakti tradition, and tracing new ways to let science (especially physics and astronomy) and philosophy speak to each other again in a constructive mood.
Laura Domenech
Laura received her Masters in Physics and Cosmology from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Her research interests include the early universe cosmology, fundamental principles, metaphysics, and the human factor in our quest for truth. Laura is equally interested in exploring those questions through art and contemplation.
Beyond research, she is dedicated to public outreach, fostering dialogue between science and consciousness.
Laura was the founder of the association for neurodivergence inclusivity at the University Paul Sabatier, and advocates for inclusive practices and new approaches to education and academia.